Air Conditioning Tips and Advice

Dehumidifier vs Air Conditioning


We all love that good feeling when we walk into a cold room from the hot outside. Or when you do not find water in your basement. Great, right? There is nothing as terrible as a wet basement.

Many people rely on household tools like dehumidifiers and air conditioners. Well, there are questions that homeowners ask. What is the difference between an air conditioner and a dehumidifier? Should I choose a dehumidifier instead of an air conditioner?

The question of dehumidifier versus air conditioner is a common one. The answer lies in which of them goes with your individual needs correctly. Let us look at the dehumidifier vs air conditioning system. This is so you can make a better choice. Read on. You will learn all you should know about dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

Dehumidifier Vs Air Conditioner: The Similarities

Dehumidifiers and air conditioners are quite similar in the way they work. They both remove air from your room and make it fresh. Dehumidifiers and air conditioners do this by condensing the air over cooling coils. The air then turns to water.

Next, this water becomes hot and leads to warm air. It then removes the water. A dehumidifier, unlike air conditioners, supplies dry air back into your room. On the other hand, the AC cools the air in the room.

Signs You Should Get A Dehumidifier


Besides suffering from constant signs of allergies, you may like to consider getting a dehumidifier for the following reasons. They are:

  • Rooms with high moisture and weak or no air. This is especially so for areas like your bathrooms. Those bathrooms do not have windows.
  • Regular condensation on your windows in specific places of your home.
  • When you notice black spots, that is, mild spores developing on the walls. Or, in places with high moisture like your shower or bathtub.
  • You should consider having a dehumidifier when you begin to notice musty smells.

Combination Of Air Conditioner And Dehumidifier

The combination of a dehumidifier and air conditioner is good. It works best when you need quicker dehumidification. That is, more than any of these cooling units can give alone. In this case, you will not consider the differences between the dehumidifier and air conditioner. Instead, you combine them for your great use.

You can use a dehumidifier and air conditioner together according to the season. The air conditioner and dehumidifier can remove about 18 gallons of water in the room. This combination works in cooling the air.

Besides, it helps you to get cleaner air by reducing mold. These are dangers to your family’s wellbeing. The combo also cools it to your satisfaction. And, using your air conditioner and dehumidifier purifies the air.

Anyway, you should remember that using the tools depends on the room you place them. Instead of using your air conditioner in your basement, go for a dehumidifier. Whereas, your bedroom and living room will get more with the air conditioner.

What Are The Differences Between An Air Conditioner And Dehumidifier?

air conditioning

They are similar in many ways. One primary difference between a dehumidifier and air conditioner lies in their use. You use your air conditioner to cool air in some areas. A dehumidifier, on the other hand, works for removing water from the air.

Now the difference in air conditioner versus dehumidifier is this. The air conditioner does not remove moisture so well. At least, not as well as the dehumidifier. In air conditioner vs dehumidifier, air conditioning has special advantages. It prevents the fungus from forming by maintaining the levels of moisture. Air conditioning also drives away the bad smell. It has a user-friendly button that shows that it contains steam water. The switch lets you know when you should empty the AC pan.

Air Conditioner vs Dehumidifier: Energy Use

Reading this aspect will help you understand dehumidifier versus air conditioner in energy use. Keeping your air conditioner on all through the day is bad. It will lead to an increase in your power bill. The difference in energy use between dehumidifier and air conditioning is not complete. This is because there are many kinds of dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

Kinds Of Air Conditioners

Types Of Dehumidifiers

  • Thermoelectric dehumidifiers
  • Desiccant dehumidifiers
  • Refrigerated coil dehumidifiers

To increase energy use, it is better to get an air conditioner. It helps to cool your room instead of a dehumidifier. However, a dehumidifier only uses 1/10th of what an AC gives. Changing to an inverter air conditioning unit is a good option. It cuts down your energy bill to 70%.

Air Conditioner vs Dehumidifier: Power Consumption

The use of power is lower when using dehumidifiers instead of air conditioners. Get a dehumidifier with an optimal fans sensor. These optimal fans’ time and speed of the defrost cycle can lower your power bill. This is due to the dehumidifier’s elements which save power. Remember, how good the dehumidifier’s energy is depends on the model of the dehumidifier.

Air Conditioners in Dehumidifier Mode

You can use your air conditioner as a dehumidifier. It makes them very comfortable during times where the air is heavy in your area. It acts as a dehumidifier while in dry mode versus relaxed mode. This dry function reduces your room temperature by lowering the moisture level.

This mode is good for rainy weathers with high moisture. This is so for areas where you did not fix a window-type air conditioner. You can always obtain a movable AC in dehumidifier mode in places like your basements.

So, as mentioned earlier, these two elements of HVAC equipment may overlap as far as their results. But, dehumidifier vs air conditioning systems is different in their goals. Although, you can combine them as you wish.

If you have any questions about your dehumidifier or air conditioner, look no further than Christy Cooling Services. We have a team of experts to take care of your HVAC problems. Also, we offer quality HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair services.

dehumidifier vs air conditioning infographic

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