Air Conditioning Tips and Advice

10 Common Air Conditioner Problems & Their Fixes

An air conditioner is one of the most important appliances in your home. It helps keep the home habitable and pleasant when extreme weather prevails outside. All said and done, they are machines in the end. And like any other machine, your air conditioner too will develop problems throughout its operating life. While some of these problems are minor, others are more serious and might even nudge you towards considering a new air conditioning installation. Here we take a look at some of the most common air conditioning repairs and what you can do to overcome them.

The air filter and drainage of air conditioners are susceptible to clogging and blockages. This can cause the AC to function poorly, which is something you can avoid by replacing the filter and cleaning the drainage regularly. Even something as simple as an improperly calibrated thermostat can impede your air conditioner’s functioning. To avoid this, ensure the thermostat is turned on, cleaned, kept away from sunlight and properly calibrated.

Air conditioning maintenance from time to time can also prevent common air conditioner problems like rusted evaporator coils, dirty condenser coils and refrigerant gas leakages. While these problems are visible on the surface, some others are not. For instance, you won’t realise something’s amiss with the fuses, capacitors and contactors unless your air conditioner stops working or functions erratically. However, there is no need to press the panic button as each of these issues can be rectified by a competent HVAC professional.

If you’d like to avert such problems for your air conditioning unit, you can hire the services of an HVAC maintenance and repairing firm. Regular maintenance ensures your air conditioner doesn’t give up on you when you need it the most.

Air Conditioner Problems

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